Top 5 Things to Know When Getting Comprehensive Car Insurance Quotes

There is so much information out there when it comes to auto insurance it can be hard to make sense of it all. The problem is this can be very important and useful information for you when it comes to getting your comprehensive car insurance quotes or new policy. Although this list does not cover every single thing you need in order to be protected with comprehensive auto insurance, it can be a great place to start.
#1: Find Out If You Need Comprehensive Car Insurance
For many drivers on the road these days, the state minimum required insurance may be enough. In some states this is simply liability insurance coverage. In other states, it is no fault or PIP (Personal Injury Protection) coverage. For other drivers, there may be a need for more coverage.
In most cases if you are financing a car, you will need comprehensive auto coverage, as well as some other types of coverage. The important part is to make sure you have it if it is required by your financial lender for your auto loan. If not, the lender will tack on their own pricy policy, which you will end up paying for at the end of the life of the loan.
#2: Know About Your Driving And Insurance Past And Present
You should find out if the policy you currently have includes comprehensive car insurance coverage or not. You should also learn about what your driving record actually is and how much it impacts your current rates. This is especially important if you have had any previous tickets or accidents on your record.
Previous infractions come off after three years, so make sure your rates are not currently being affected by old news. If you have the same policy you have had for a few years, more than likely your old infractions are still causing your rates to be higher than they should. That is another reason shopping for a new policy could help you get a fresh start with lower rates.
#3: Be Aware Of the Many Ways You Could Be Eligible For Discounts
When getting your comprehensive car insurance quotes there are many things that could help you get an even better deal. For example, if you are a younger driver, you could qualify for a good student discount. If you are in the military active duty or a retired vet, you should be taking advantage of the discounted rates available to you.
Not only that, but there are other ways to get better rates and great savings. For example if you can bundle up your policies you could see huge savings. Say you have life insurance with one company, renter’s insurance with yet another and your spouse has his or her own car insurance with yet another policy provider. Bring all of these together and what does that spell? Savings. Bundle policies for easier and cheaper payments.
#4: Evaluate Your Own Policy
The current comprehensive car insurance policy you have may have been the best deal around when you signed up for it. Of course, like most drivers, you probably got your basic coverage in place from the first offer that came along and have put it out of your mind since then. Who wants to think about a task you already have completed, right?
The problem is your policy rates may be as outdated as your driver’s license photo. It is always a good idea to get a rate “health check up” at least annually or whenever the policy is up for renewal; whichever comes more frequently. It has never been easier to get FREE comprehensive auto insurance quotes, so why not take advantage of the service so you can take advantage of the super savings on your policy premiums.
#5: Shop Wisely for Your Car
The flashy red convertible sports car may look cool, but you are going to probably need a second or third job to pay for it as well as the auto insurance rates that come with it. As dull as it may sound, you should try trading flashy whistles and bells for safety features when it comes to your next new car purchase. Add on an anti-theft device and you will see an even more severe drop in your rates.
This can also apply to the car you currently have. If you can add on safety features such as air bags and anti lock brakes, your insurance should reflect this. Not only are you ensuring your own safety, you are insuring your automobile for a great deal less.
The Bottom Line
Aside from what you must have based on your lender’s guidelines, the rest is up to you. If you do not have a financed car, you may opt to not carry comprehensive but this could be a mistake if your car is of any value. When you get competitive quotes from auto insurance policy providers you may find you can even get better coverage than you currently have to lower premiums than you currently pay. When it comes to auto insurance, it is better to have too much than not enough coverage.
Auto insurance premiums can still be expensive, true, but by shopping around you may be shocked at how low they can be as well. Ask about other possible discounts for things such as multiple cars or if you go paperless with your billing. Of course the important thing is to always make sure you have some type of auto insurance coverage.
Even if you are just driving a friend’s car for a few months while you save up to buy your dream car, make sure you only get behind the wheel if you have your non owner’s insurance policy in place. If you think you may need it though, getting comprehensive car insurance coverage is one of the best ways to protect yourself as a driver on the open road. Using just your zip code, you can get started getting your cheap quotes for this right away.